Bankroll Management : More Important Than You May Realize

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I used to be one of those guys just like all of my friends who play online , who just make random deposits and play in whatever sitngo we feel like playing at the time. After i realized i was constantly depositing over and over with nothing to show for it , i started looking at my deposits and the games i was playing and i found the following article by poker pro Sean Moranse very helpful and i hope that you do too.

Sit-N-Go's are a great way to make a stable income playing poker online, but many people do not understand the concept of bankroll management. One of the biggest problems many players face when playing Sit-N-Go's is they will play tournaments to high for their bankroll. This can cause you to lose all your money quickly and go on tilt. A general rule of thumb is to have a bankroll of roughly 20-30 times the Sit-N-Go buy in amount. I have made a simple chart below which you can print off and use over and over again. It has helped me greatly.

Lots of poker players throw bankroll management out the door and don't believe in it. I got news for them, YOU NEED TO START BELIEVING, and in a HURRY!

Here is a great tip: Move up or down a level as your bankroll allows. If you are losing, move down in buy-in level and if you continue to win move up. Use good judgment and take action quickly. If you wait to long you will lose, all of it!

Also play at a meaningful money level to you. This means that the buy-in amount should be at ease, as well as challenging. Not so low that a loss is ignored. Nor so high that you are perspiring the entire game!

Buy-in + Usual Fee - Bankroll Requirements

$5 + $.50 - $110 - $165

$10 + $1 - $220 - $330

$20 + $2 - $440 - $660

$30 + $3 - $660 - $990

$50 + $5 - $1100 - $1650

$100 + $9 - $2180 - $3270

$200 + $15 - $4300 - $6450

As you can see, you need a proper bankroll in order to play sit-n-go's. Once you master the art of single table sit-n-go's, you can make a nice living multi-tabling sit-n-go's.

Here is where you make some killer money and a stable income, but you CAN'T multi-table until you are continuously winning one Sit-N-Go at a time. Sit-N-Go's are far easier to multi-table then cash games because you don't have to watch every portion of action to weigh your opponents. Almost every popular poker site allows their players to multi-table, Full Tilt Poker and Poker Stars are again my favorites here. When you begin multi-tabling you need to start out with trying two-tabling. In the beginning, most people will continuously be engaged, and at times can be tiresome. If you think you are making awful decisions, try to start Sit-N-Go's at different blind levels, such as the middle stage. Once it reaches the middle stage (4-6x blind increases), then start another Sit-N-Go.

What strategy adjustments do you need to make when multi-tabling? Here it is wise to reduce the number of bluffs. When you really get good a great piece of advice would be to start four tournaments, and then wait for them to reach middle level, and then start another four. There will be different focal points on each stage in the Sit-N-Go's and will help you manage all the games better.


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