Sit-and-Go Strategy - The Power Of Position

Friday, April 30, 2010

I don't think many of us fully understand how important position is during a sitngo. It is "the" most important factor throughout the game , especially when the game reaches the late stages and everyone is fighting for the money. 

Understanding the power of position and how to use it effectively  is a very important part of sitngo strategy.  There are a lot of players who say "I had position on you". And they dont even know what it means. You must understand position, to become a successful sitngo player. PERIOD.

There are 3 different points of position you will have.They are Early, Middle, and Late position. Understanding positition is crucial at the beginning stages of a sitngo. (see post on sitngo strategy). Using position wisely at the beginning will save you valuable chips, and also earn you chips that you need to make it thru to the final stages.

Early Position

Being in early position is a very dangerous part of the game for most sitngo players. If you are one of the first 3 of the nine players to act then you are in "EARLY POSITION". Because you are one of the first to act then that puts you in a spot where you have no idea what kind of hands everyone else at the table has or (what your betting into).Making bets at the beginning stages of a sitngo is a very dangerous and usually costly thing. Many players make bets from early position, only to be called and re-raised and since they have no clue where they are at in the hand then, they are forced to fold, and therefore valuable chips are wasted. An even worse situation occurs when they call the reraise and end up all in by the end of the hand with cards that should have been folded.

Middle Position

Players 4-6 to the left of the dealer in a 9 player sitngo are  in "Middle Position". From the middle position you can pick up some information on how strong your hand is, compared to early position, but there are still a few players left after you to act. Being in middle position is better than early, but you definitely don't want to be limping in with sub-par hands here during the early stages.

Late Position

Once your one of the last 3 players left to act, now you are in "late position". This is the position you want to be in. Now it becomes much more easier to get away with bluffs and stealing some blinds. It also becomes way less risky to limp in, because the odds of seeing the flop are greater because there or only 1 or 2 people who can make a raise at this point.

Bottom Line

Understanding position is key in being a successful sitngo player. If your a new sitngo player who has made it to the final stages of a sitngo and you start to become a little confused by everyone taking turns going all in or making big raises. What your seeing is everyone using position to take the blinds for that hand to stay alive. More often than not the person going all in doesn't have the best hand , they just have POSITION! Unless you have a HUGE chip lead at the final stage, you cannot afford to wait for the right hand. If you do not use position to take down pots, YOU WILL BE BLINDED OUT. But remember position will only keep you alive for so long. At some point there will be a Showdown because somebody has to win.

For more underground tactics and strategies on mastering position,  check out this post

6 Handed Sit and Go's VS. 9 Handed Sit and Go's

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Most of us who start out playing in sitngo's start out playing  9 handed tournaments . We notice that there is a six handed game as well. I found myself curious about it after my friend who also a big sit and go player called me and told me i need to try playing the 6 handed games. So I did . So here are the similarities and differences. It will be up to you to decide which suites you better. The buy in amount, and starting chips are the same.  Here is how a six handed game differs in structures.
                       -  Only last 2 players left make the money

                       -  6 starting players instead of 9

As you can see the games are similar in structure. In each game you have to beat 66% of the field to make the money. Some people look at it this way. (not me). You have to beat 6 players to make the money 9 handed, but you only have to beat 4 people playing 6 handed. Here are the 2 main game play differences.

                       - Each player in a 6 handed game will see more hands and see them faster than 
                          playing 9 handed

                       - More experienced players play in the 6 handed games, so competition is a little 
Dont get me wrong , there are maniacs who play 6 handed, but you will see way less of these guys than in a 9 handed game. This can be good or bad. There may not be that idiot there  who's going to double you up with a stupid play. But on the flipside, the idiot who is going to crack your Aces with some garbage hand may also not be there.

Another thing you need to realize is that your starting hands are a lot stronger starting out in a 6 handed game opposed to 9 handed. For example : A, 10 is not a huge starting hand with 9 players, but with only 6 people , the odds of you having the biggest ace is more probable. If you are familiar with basic sit and go strategy then you know that your range of starting hands widens once there are 3 players knocked out. Since there are only 6 people from the beginning , then basically you are starting the game at STAGE 2. Please see my previous post on basic sit and go strategy if you are not familiar wtih the 3 stages of a sit and go.

Because there are less people starting out, you will see many more hands, than playing 9 handed. Because of this you are able to afford to see more flops because you are playing more hands at at the low blind levels than playing 9 handed. You will also have much more time to be patient to wait for premium hands because you will see more hands while the blinds are relatively low.

You must learn to keep your raises consistent to the blinds in a 6 handed tournament. Some new players to playing in 6 handed games have trouble with this. Dont make raises based on how many people are left. Raise according to the blinds. A raise of 3 times the big blind will get your point across just fine. Be patient. Dont go into panic mode because you are the shortstack and there are 4 players left, as you would in a 9 handed game. Because the blinds are lower with 4 people left playing in a six handed game. You can afford to be patient. Remember that you arent on the bubble until there are 3 players left.

Patience is the key playing in 6 handed games, while Agressiveness is king while playing 9 handed sit and go's.

Soooooo . Which is better? 9 handed or 6 handed sitngo's ?

As much as id like to tell you that one is better than the other, the truth is that it is a personal preference determined on your playing style. I encourage you to at least try out a few 6 handed games and you may find that they suit your style of play for one reason or another. I play in both depending on how im feeling at the time.

If your want a system that has been proven to get your more cashes at any sit and go level please READ THIS

good luck at the tables !


New Software Allows You To Create Poker Blogs In Minutes!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

 A new software was just launched that takes the "hard work" out of maintaining and adding fresh content to your blog. This software is will work wonders for a new poker affiliate trying to penetrate their niche, or the experienced poker blogger who wants to get their blog running on autopilot.

As a poker affiliate it is very hard work getting content to your blog finding the right images to increase the overall look of your blog.(especially if you have no blogging experience).Trust me , i know! With Bloghatter you will have the ability to literally take 4 different niche's and create 4 separate blogs for each niche, taking only minutes for each one. You can then use Bloghatter to contol the posting for each blog. Now your on your way to starting your poker blog empire!

 Here is a list of features -

  • Eliminates the hard work of writing content for your blog

  • Import enough articles to fill your blog with content with the push of a button

  • It finds and imports images and videos to put on your blog to increase the quality perception of your blog
  • Rewrites content in seconds with its synonym and replacement tool so content is "original"

  • "Plug and Play" simplicity allows you to start using it right now

  • Translating feature allows your visitors to see your content in different languages

  • Legally steals traffic from blogger and wordpress and sends the traffic to you

  • Schedule your blog to post automatically so your blog can be on autopilot

Once you start using Bloghatter, you will be hoping that the other poker affiliates out there dont catch wind of it. CLICK HERE to check out more about blog hatter ..... or click here to see a video.

Sit And Go Strategy : Exploit Your Opponents by Taking Notes On Them

                Taking notes on your opponents is a very easy but not often used tactic by Sit and go players. All you have to do is right click on some player you have noticed doing something worth remembering , and make a note of it. Anyone who puts in enough hours playing in sitngo's at a certain buy in level will frequently encounter the same players. You can give yourself and instant edge over these players by making note of their tendencies. The G.I JOE theme comes to mind - "knowing is half the battle" . LOL

              Here are a list of "habits" worth taking note of and using to exploit your opponent , or to avoid them and give yourself an advantage over that player when you meet them at the next sit and go.

                   #1- How They play Big Hands - Pay attention to what players do when they have a monster hand like AA, KK, AK.etc.... How did they bet it before the flop ? And how did they play it after the flop? Take note of anything that stood out to you about how that player played the hand so when you get into a confrontation with them you know what to look for to determine whether or not you are up against a monster.

                   #2 - Bluffers - Make a note on someone you notice bluffing a lot. Also make a note of how much they are betting on their bluffs. If you can put someone on a bluff, a re-raise will take down the pot almost every time.

                   # 3 - Chasers - If you notice a player constantly calling bets all the way to the river on a draw, Take note. If you later find yourself in a situation where you thought you had the best hand until the 3rd diamond came on the river, and your against a player that you have noted will call you down on the flush draw may make it a little easier to answer your own question "did he hit his flush?" Being able to make a good decision here will often times save your tournament life!

                 # 4 - Dangerous Players - If you find yourself in a confrontation with a player who totally outplays you or traps you on a number of occasions. Take note . You will want to simply avoid that player if at all possible. If they've gotten you twice, why let them get you a third time. Eventually by watching and taking notes on this player it will make it easier for you to deal with them in the future, when a confrontation is inevitable.

                 # 5 - Anything You Think is Valuable Information - There are so many sit and go strategies out there right now , its hard to keep track of all the odd things some players are doing. Make a note of anything that stands out to you about the play of any certain player. When this player tries to use these tactics on you. You will already have a good idea what your up against.

                # 6 - Tight / Aggressive Players - If you notice that a player is tight, and is folding unless they have a monster or hit top pair . Take advantage of that player when you fell that they didn't hit. But, be very cautious if this player raises or re-raises you. On the other side of this ,  if you notice that a player is super aggressive, take note, and use this info to trap that player when you have a BIG hand , by using their aggressiveness against them.

                 Start profiling your opponents as a way to become a more profitable sitngo player. If you want  info on how to have your opponents profiled automatically CLICK HERE. Good luck at the tables. 


Are You A New Online Poker player and Need Help? - I GOT YOU !

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

                     Hey guys its SitngoJoe here. If any of you reading this are new to online poker and find yourself with a question you need answered then just reply to this post and i will give you the best answer possible. Ive put in thousands of  hours playing online, and iv'e tried every strategy there is to try out there. Are you continually getting bad beated? Ive been there. Are you having deposit problems? Ive had those too.

                     I started out playing online about a year ago, and i've been hooked ever since. I just wish i had someone to ask questions to along the way. Waiting for an answer from a poker room's support team may take more time than we would like to wait, as you will notice, if you already haven't. Trial and error is a good teacher, BUT when your making errors with real money , it can become expensive. I have been dedicating my time to researching strategy's, and software and anything else that can make the time i put in playing poker online more profitable. Along the way I've come into contact with some cool guys who run some of best poker sites online.

                     Any question you have at all concerning online poker , please ask. I will quickly respond to you with an answer, and if i need help getting it , i have no problem using the resources i have to get you an answer. GOOD LUCK at the tables and hope to be talking to you soon! (Dont forget to save this site as a favorite so you can find me again :))

Sit And Go Strategy - 3 Things To Do Before Starting Your Sitngo Career

Sunday, April 4, 2010

             Hopefully you have been let in on the little secret that the Sit-And-Go format is the Cash Cow of online poker. There are thousands of people right now playing in six sitngo's simultaneously, and making double the hourly wage (or more) that you are making at your 9-5 job that you  got up early this morning to get to. We all dream of this being our own reality. It is a realistic goal, BUT it is not easy.
             Do not start out like me and make deposit after deposit, thinking that I'm a good poker player, and I'm just going to play online and make some money. It doesn't take long to realize that playing online is a different world from what your used to. You will try to tell yourself that you are not winning because of bad luck. Its not that you are unlucky, or even that you are not a good  poker player.The problem is you haven't taken the necessary steps to start out as a good ONLINE poker player. You can learn to be a good online player over time by putting in the hours. Unfortunately that option, will cost you a lot of money.

             DO NOT be the normal newbie online player who is going to donate your money for months before realizing that you need to enhance your game to compete with these guys who have been paying their mortgage with your hard earned money. Before you make another deposit (or your first one), you need to follow these steps before you can expect to be a profitable online player.

                                    STEP # 1 - UNDERSTAND BANKROLL MANAGEMENT 
            As a rule of thumb , you want to have a bankroll around 20 times the amount of the sitngo buy-in level you want to play in. You don't want to be playing in games at a level so low, that you don't care if you lose or not. You also don't want to be playing in a buy in level so high, that you are too concerned with losing that amount of money, and unable to play your game effectively. Move up and down in level according to your bankroll, if you have gotten your bankroll high enough to move up in buy in level do that. But don't forget to move down in buy in level if your bankroll starts to diminish. If you do not pay attention to bankroll management, then you will find yourself making deposit after deposit and never making a profit. 

                                STEP # 2 - HAVE A STRATEGY 

           If you are considering playing poker online or are already an online player, then I'm sure you believe that you are good enough to make a profit. There is a 10% chance that this is true. Why do i say that? I say this because 90 percent of online players do not turn a profit on a month to month basis. They lose! I suggest you find an online training course or get a sitngo strategy guide so that you are ready for the many challenging situations and fierce players that are waiting for you at the tables. You may want to do this now, or you can wait until after you have made a small fortune in deposits, and have no choice but to start looking for help. You can either search the internet for tips and strategys for free or you can buy one such as projectsng, which will have everything you need to show you how to make a profit playing in sitngo's.

                              STEP # 3 - GET AN ODDS CALCULATOR

          Most new online players don't even know that odds calculators even exist. I didn't know until after about 5 months of losing money online. An odds calculator will attach to your game and profile your opponents for you. This will make is easy for you to identify people who or likely bluffing or people who are tight, and you should stay away from. They will also give you the instant odds that you have the winning hand from preflop all the way to the river, as well as give you pot odds, so you know if you are getting your moneys worth if you are trying to decide whether to call or not. Odds calculators do not play the game for you or guarantee that you will win or lose a hand. But they are a valuable online poker tool. Veteran poker players do not need them because they can quickly calculate these odds in their head. After using an odds calculator for a while these odds will start to come natural to you too, which will also make you a more deadly LIVE poker player. The best one i have found is tournamentindicator. They also have a free 48 hour trial.

                        If you do these 3 steps, i have no doubt that you will be on your way to being a profitable sitngo player. If you ignore these steps you may find yourself stuck in the 90% of online players who play month after month and never turn a  profit, and only have countless bad beat stories to show for their efforts. Good luck.

Sit and Go Strategy - Why Not To Fold Your Small Pocket Pair So Quickly

If you look at any sitngo strategy guide or read some advice from the pros they are going to tell you to fold your small pocket pairs in the beginning stages of the game, and tell you to only play premium hands, such as AA, KK, QQ, and AK. This may be a proven strategy, but they may be overlooking the reward of making the call with a pocket pair and flopping "trips", opposed to losing the amount of chips it cost me to make the call. Doubling your chip stack in the beginning stages of a sitngo, will almost double your odds of making it into the money.

    Small pocket pairs are one of the toughest hands to put your opponent on, so when you limp in or call a raise, they will normally think that you have big cards. What your hoping to do is catch a set on the flop. When you do flop "trips", it is almost hard not to smile because now you know that you are  not only about to take this pot down, but many times take ALL of someones chips and double your stack. You are hoping that your opponent hit their ace or king, and they believe they have you beat. You may have risked a small portion of your stack to make the call , but the reward was worth it.

    If you don't flop a set, dont give up on the pot . Your hand still may be best. If the flop comes and there aren't any scary cards out there and my opponent checks . I  make a bet the size of the pot. A very high percentage of the time , that bet will take down the pot. If someone does call here , it may be because they are drawing, and hoping to hit on the turn. If you get reraised , fold! Do not waste any more chips at this point because are probably beat. But it is also possible , that the rest of the hand will be checked down, and your small pair is still best.

    Anytime you are dealt a pocket pair, make sure you evaluate your chipstack and how much it will cost you to see a flop. If you can afford the risk , then you may want to make the call in hopes of getting the reward of doubling your chip stack . Doubling up early in a sitngo will definately increase your odds of  making it into the money. Although it isnt necessary, it sure beats fighting for your life on the bubble.