Most of us who start out playing in sitngo's start out playing 9 handed tournaments . We notice that there is a six handed game as well. I found myself curious about it after my friend who also a big sit and go player called me and told me i need to try playing the 6 handed games. So I did . So here are the similarities and differences. It will be up to you to decide which suites you better. The buy in amount, and starting chips are the same. Here is how a six handed game differs in structures.
- Only last 2 players left make the money
- 6 starting players instead of 9
As you can see the games are similar in structure. In each game you have to beat 66% of the field to make the money. Some people look at it this way. (not me). You have to beat 6 players to make the money 9 handed, but you only have to beat 4 people playing 6 handed. Here are the 2 main game play differences.
- Each player in a 6 handed game will see more hands and see them faster than
playing 9 handed
- More experienced players play in the 6 handed games, so competition is a little
Dont get me wrong , there are maniacs who play 6 handed, but you will see way less of these guys than in a 9 handed game. This can be good or bad. There may not be that idiot there who's going to double you up with a stupid play. But on the flipside, the idiot who is going to crack your Aces with some garbage hand may also not be there.
Another thing you need to realize is that your starting hands are a lot stronger starting out in a 6 handed game opposed to 9 handed. For example : A, 10 is not a huge starting hand with 9 players, but with only 6 people , the odds of you having the biggest ace is more probable. If you are familiar with basic sit and go strategy then you know that your range of starting hands widens once there are 3 players knocked out. Since there are only 6 people from the beginning , then basically you are starting the game at STAGE 2. Please see my previous post on basic sit and go strategy if you are not familiar wtih the 3 stages of a sit and go.
Because there are less people starting out, you will see many more hands, than playing 9 handed. Because of this you are able to afford to see more flops because you are playing more hands at at the low blind levels than playing 9 handed. You will also have much more time to be patient to wait for premium hands because you will see more hands while the blinds are relatively low.
You must learn to keep your raises consistent to the blinds in a 6 handed tournament. Some new players to playing in 6 handed games have trouble with this. Dont make raises based on how many people are left. Raise according to the blinds. A raise of 3 times the big blind will get your point across just fine. Be patient. Dont go into panic mode because you are the shortstack and there are 4 players left, as you would in a 9 handed game. Because the blinds are lower with 4 people left playing in a six handed game. You can afford to be patient. Remember that you arent on the bubble until there are 3 players left.
Patience is the key playing in 6 handed games, while Agressiveness is king while playing 9 handed sit and go's.
Soooooo . Which is better? 9 handed or 6 handed sitngo's ?
As much as id like to tell you that one is better than the other, the truth is that it is a personal preference determined on your playing style. I encourage you to at least try out a few 6 handed games and you may find that they suit your style of play for one reason or another. I play in both depending on how im feeling at the time.
If your want a system that has been proven to get your more cashes at any sit and go level please READ THIS
good luck at the tables !
6 Handed Sit and Go's VS. 9 Handed Sit and Go's
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Different types of Sit-and-Gos
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