Sit And Go Strategy - 3 Things To Do Before Starting Your Sitngo Career

Sunday, April 4, 2010

             Hopefully you have been let in on the little secret that the Sit-And-Go format is the Cash Cow of online poker. There are thousands of people right now playing in six sitngo's simultaneously, and making double the hourly wage (or more) that you are making at your 9-5 job that you  got up early this morning to get to. We all dream of this being our own reality. It is a realistic goal, BUT it is not easy.
             Do not start out like me and make deposit after deposit, thinking that I'm a good poker player, and I'm just going to play online and make some money. It doesn't take long to realize that playing online is a different world from what your used to. You will try to tell yourself that you are not winning because of bad luck. Its not that you are unlucky, or even that you are not a good  poker player.The problem is you haven't taken the necessary steps to start out as a good ONLINE poker player. You can learn to be a good online player over time by putting in the hours. Unfortunately that option, will cost you a lot of money.

             DO NOT be the normal newbie online player who is going to donate your money for months before realizing that you need to enhance your game to compete with these guys who have been paying their mortgage with your hard earned money. Before you make another deposit (or your first one), you need to follow these steps before you can expect to be a profitable online player.

                                    STEP # 1 - UNDERSTAND BANKROLL MANAGEMENT 
            As a rule of thumb , you want to have a bankroll around 20 times the amount of the sitngo buy-in level you want to play in. You don't want to be playing in games at a level so low, that you don't care if you lose or not. You also don't want to be playing in a buy in level so high, that you are too concerned with losing that amount of money, and unable to play your game effectively. Move up and down in level according to your bankroll, if you have gotten your bankroll high enough to move up in buy in level do that. But don't forget to move down in buy in level if your bankroll starts to diminish. If you do not pay attention to bankroll management, then you will find yourself making deposit after deposit and never making a profit. 

                                STEP # 2 - HAVE A STRATEGY 

           If you are considering playing poker online or are already an online player, then I'm sure you believe that you are good enough to make a profit. There is a 10% chance that this is true. Why do i say that? I say this because 90 percent of online players do not turn a profit on a month to month basis. They lose! I suggest you find an online training course or get a sitngo strategy guide so that you are ready for the many challenging situations and fierce players that are waiting for you at the tables. You may want to do this now, or you can wait until after you have made a small fortune in deposits, and have no choice but to start looking for help. You can either search the internet for tips and strategys for free or you can buy one such as projectsng, which will have everything you need to show you how to make a profit playing in sitngo's.

                              STEP # 3 - GET AN ODDS CALCULATOR

          Most new online players don't even know that odds calculators even exist. I didn't know until after about 5 months of losing money online. An odds calculator will attach to your game and profile your opponents for you. This will make is easy for you to identify people who or likely bluffing or people who are tight, and you should stay away from. They will also give you the instant odds that you have the winning hand from preflop all the way to the river, as well as give you pot odds, so you know if you are getting your moneys worth if you are trying to decide whether to call or not. Odds calculators do not play the game for you or guarantee that you will win or lose a hand. But they are a valuable online poker tool. Veteran poker players do not need them because they can quickly calculate these odds in their head. After using an odds calculator for a while these odds will start to come natural to you too, which will also make you a more deadly LIVE poker player. The best one i have found is tournamentindicator. They also have a free 48 hour trial.

                        If you do these 3 steps, i have no doubt that you will be on your way to being a profitable sitngo player. If you ignore these steps you may find yourself stuck in the 90% of online players who play month after month and never turn a  profit, and only have countless bad beat stories to show for their efforts. Good luck.


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