Sit and Go Strategy - Why Not To Fold Your Small Pocket Pair So Quickly

Sunday, April 4, 2010

If you look at any sitngo strategy guide or read some advice from the pros they are going to tell you to fold your small pocket pairs in the beginning stages of the game, and tell you to only play premium hands, such as AA, KK, QQ, and AK. This may be a proven strategy, but they may be overlooking the reward of making the call with a pocket pair and flopping "trips", opposed to losing the amount of chips it cost me to make the call. Doubling your chip stack in the beginning stages of a sitngo, will almost double your odds of making it into the money.

    Small pocket pairs are one of the toughest hands to put your opponent on, so when you limp in or call a raise, they will normally think that you have big cards. What your hoping to do is catch a set on the flop. When you do flop "trips", it is almost hard not to smile because now you know that you are  not only about to take this pot down, but many times take ALL of someones chips and double your stack. You are hoping that your opponent hit their ace or king, and they believe they have you beat. You may have risked a small portion of your stack to make the call , but the reward was worth it.

    If you don't flop a set, dont give up on the pot . Your hand still may be best. If the flop comes and there aren't any scary cards out there and my opponent checks . I  make a bet the size of the pot. A very high percentage of the time , that bet will take down the pot. If someone does call here , it may be because they are drawing, and hoping to hit on the turn. If you get reraised , fold! Do not waste any more chips at this point because are probably beat. But it is also possible , that the rest of the hand will be checked down, and your small pair is still best.

    Anytime you are dealt a pocket pair, make sure you evaluate your chipstack and how much it will cost you to see a flop. If you can afford the risk , then you may want to make the call in hopes of getting the reward of doubling your chip stack . Doubling up early in a sitngo will definately increase your odds of  making it into the money. Although it isnt necessary, it sure beats fighting for your life on the bubble.


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